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347 items found for "viticulture top 3"

  • Top 3 Games - Dom & Elf

    Below are the top 3 games we currently love. Number 3: On Mars by Vital Lacerda One of the heaviest games we have played based on BGG heaviness rating Despite its ugliness, it's our top game. Speaks for not to judge a game by its cover.

  • Top 3 Games - Jelle

    by @start2game As our collection grew really fast in the last year, we saw a lot of potential "top list All these are on the top of our shelves, but the next three are really standing out for me: 3.

  • Top 3 Games - Elvira

    3. Root - I love asymetric games!

  • Top 3 Games - Mike

    by @Meeple.Mike Making a top list of anything is nearly impossible for someone as indecisive as me. As such, my top games list is an ever-changing ecosystem of themes and mechanisms – none which ever seem You may then ask: ‘Mike, how did these following 3 games make it on this list?’ Number 3: Cosmic Encounter If Spirit Island is the paragon of teamwork and trust, then my number 3 pick My top 3 summed up with all of my enthusiasm.

  • Top 3 Games - Lizzie

    by @boardgamingwithmyfamily Well my top three was a difficult choice as my boardgame collection is not So this is my top three of the games I own.

  • Top 3 Games - Karyn

    by @adventureswithkaryn What are your top three board games?

  • Top 3 Games - Sarah

    by @blendedfamilygamers Our family has always been a fan of board games. Growing up, I played a lot of classics, like Monopoly, Clue, and Scrabble. My husband’s family exposed me to the world of modern board gaming through Catan and Villainous, and a mutual friend of ours shared Carcassonne. When the pandemic hit, we found ourselves unexpectedly homeschooling my first-grade stepson through the end of first grade and all of second. Curriculum design wasn’t new to me, but through the wonderful world of Pinterest, I discovered gameschooling. Gameschooling was a massive blessing for our family, and allowed Monkey (stepson) to learn through play rather than screen time and worksheets. We invested in games specifically meant for education, like Sum Swamp and Ecosystem, but also in games that met Monkey’s interests, like Organ Attack (anatomy), Engineering Ants, Robot Turtles (coding), and Minecraft Builders & Biomes. Game nights became huge for us, both educationally and for fun, and I learned that the entire family loved board games! Throughout the pandemic, our collection grew from maybe 15-20 games to nearly 250. Narrowing it down to three games was pretty difficult, but these three games are games I find myself returning to time and time again. Arch Ravels I originally bought this with my mother-in-law in mind. Not only is she a board game fan, but she’s big into knitting. We played this one and were both incredibly impressed! I love the yarn and the wooden bowls. Additionally, I geek out every time we play over the nerdy projects to complete, like House Scarves, Dragons, and Snugglesaurus. This one makes it to our table at least once a month! Isle of Cats This game surprised me by being not at all what I expected. I avoided this one previously without much interest because the name seemed silly. However, when the most recent KS came out, I decided to see if someone local had a copy for me to borrow. One play and I fell in love. I discovered the polyomino mechanic is one of my favorites. I love the many different ways to win and that this is competitive but not in a take that way. I will gladly play this one any time anyone asks! Dice Throne Adventures I purchased Dice Throne second hand for a huge discount thinking it would be a nice break from Monkey’s obsession with Dungeon Mayhem. Little did I know, this would become a family and friend favorite. Dice Throne is probably the most popular game we own and it sees table time multiple times per week. I’m not a huge take that fan, which is pretty much the entire purpose of Dice Throne. I’ll play because everyone enjoys it and I love family time, but when I found DTA, which turns Dice Throne cooperative instead of competitive, I had to invest. This dungeon crawler doesn’t see as much table time simply because of the play time, but it’s such a huge hit every time we play. And those are some of my favorites! I started my Instagram to gain more exposure to games that our family would love and to share my love of gaming with the gaming community. Thanks for joining our journey!

  • Top 3 Games - Zlatko & Ana

    These are our top favored choices We've separated our choices because although they might align a bit Dixit (3rd place) - Because it is one of the first ever party games we've played and we really love. Dixit (3rd place) - Because this game is simply for anyone and can be explained in four sentences: Here

  • Top 3 Games - Britta

    My top three board games has been unwaveringly decided for quite some time now. and vast universe of which we are merely a self-important speck - and that is highly reflected in my top Number 3 – Terraforming Mars Coming in at number three, Terraforming Mars is just as certain in my top ---- So that’s it, my top three – carefully selected and played many, many times to be sure. I hope you have enjoyed ‘My Top 3’, what would yours be? B

  • Top 3 Games - Karolina

    by @familyofboardgames For years I thought I didn't need Gloomhaven. It's too big, too long and there is no place for it in my life. It suddenly changed after the Frosthaven campaign last year. We decided to get it and OMG it changed our lives! I love every part of it especially when you change characters. In 10 months we completed 50 scenarios and I am currently playing my fourth character. It is difficult to get to the table but we play it overall quite often - we do a longer session once a month keeping it on the table for 2 days. We usually manage to play four scenarios that way. I will not be getting Jaws Of The Lion anytime soon, but I will eagerly wait for my Frosthaven to arrive. When I first played Brass Birmingham I was stunned that this game was smarter than I am. I couldn't believe it! I didn't know what I was doing and I didn't see the right strategy. It was an amazing thing because it doesn't really happen to me. I usually just figure out the game within the first couple of rounds and this time it was different. I adore it for that and every time it gets to the table it's an amazing experience. Arkham Horror LCG was my favorite game for years. I love how incredibly immersive it is. I love the whole Lovecraft universe and this campaign game brings it to life in the best possible way. There are so many possibilities to combine cards and make amazing combos happen in every turn. Every campaign feels like a new adventure and due to different investigators it's incredibly replayable. It is an expensive game so I am not buying every circle (campaign) but so far I loved every game that I played.

  • Top 3 Games - Cindy Pastorius

    by @cindypastorius I’ve been playing hobby games regularly since 2014 and my top 3 games have definitely So without further ado, here are my current top 3 favorite games! 3.

  • Top 3 Games - Gamer Griffson

    My name is Alex, and I am so excited to share my Top 3 games with you! So, take my top three list with a grain of salt. I think the hardest thing about making a Top 3 list is that my favorites are always changing. I couldn’t not add a deck-builder to my list of top games. The artwork from Ian O’Toole is just top notch (as always) and the detail of each component is astounding

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