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Writer's pictureJim Gamer

Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

Updated: Sep 22, 2024

WBG Score: 6

Player Count: 2 - or two teams of any size.

You’ll like this if you like: Blockbusters, Movies!

Designed by: Craig Kinzer, Dave Long

Published by: Imagination Games

This is a free review copy. See our review policy here.

Do you remember those DVD-based games, big in the noughties, where you would gather around a huge TV and play trivia games based on clips seen on a DVD? Well, if so, it is likely you were playing something from the Scene It? range. Well, they have moved on and the games now run on an app-based system, offering the same interactive video-based trivia experience, but in a much more digestible format suitable for 2024. But is it fun? Well, let's get it to the table and find out.

Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

How To Set Up Movie Scene it?

For your first game, you need to activate your game to link the code in your instruction booklet to the app. So, download the free app onto your device, and add in the activation code. You will also need to set up an account if you don't have one already. When done, this will never have to be done again.

Now, place the board on the table. You can open it up to the full board for a longer game, or keep it folded in a circle for a shorter game. Other than length, nothing else changes. Each player then chooses a game piece to play as, Monopoly style, and places it on the starting space.

Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

Now place the Buzz cards on the space for them, or beside the board if you are playing with the small version. Pile the trivia cards face down next to these. Give each player a category reference and place the two dice into a central area.

Finally, set up your device so everyone can see it. Linking to the TV is best, but whatever works for you. Decide what length of countdown you want on the timer for the questions, ten, 20, or 30 seconds. Your choice. You are now ready to play.

Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

How To Play Movie Scene it?

The first player will now roll both dice. One will show how far you move your playing piece along the spaces of the board, the second will show which challenge you will face. All the challenges are based on various film trivia knowledge, either using the cards or app; and work either on your own against the timer, or as an all play, with the first player to answer out loud correctly first declared the winner of that round.

The My Play face of the dice means the player who rolled the dice will face an on-screen challenge on their own. If they answer correctly within the time frame, they roll both dice again. If they answer incorrectly, their turn ends. The questions will be based on a short film scene that will play on your device, with the question following shortly afterwards.

Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

The All Play works the same, but now with the question being open to all players. If the player who rolled the dice guesses correctly first, they continue their turn. If anyone else answers correctly first, they will move their playing piece forward one space. Play then moves to the next player in clockwise order. If no one answers correctly, play simply moves to the next player.

The Trivia card questions are split into three main types: Take Three, Songs and Slogans, and Pop Culture. Simply follow the instructions on the card itself. You can use the on-screen timer again for these trivia card questions.

The Buzz card side of the die means the player who rolled must now draw the top card from the Buzz deck. These cards will help you or another player. Some activate immediately, others can be played at a later point.

Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

If you roll the Player's Choice side of the die, you can choose any of the above categories, including the Buzz card if you wish.

If you land on a Double Feature space, on your next roll, you will move twice the number of spaces shown on the numbered die.

Players continue this way until they reach the final space on the track. When you do, you must attempt to win an All Play question. If you succeed, congratulations, you have won the game. If not, move into the central space marked with a three. On your next turn, you will enter the Final Cut on the app and attempt to answer the question correctly. In the outer three-ring, you will have three questions to answer. If you get them all right, you win. If you fail, you will move into the middle two-ring. On your next turn, you will need to answer two questions correctly to win. If you fail again, move into the final central space where you will have just one question to answer on your next turn. The first player to win either way is declared the winner, and the game ends.

Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

Is It Fun? Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

If you like movie trivia, great! I'm fairly sure you will enjoy this. If not, then feel free to walk away. However, fair warning: I quite like movie trivia, but found this game to be a bit niche at times, especially during the film clip All Play and My Play rounds. I suppose, like anything, it's easy if you know it. Some questions were very simple, but others weren't necessarily difficult—they were just about movies I'd never heard of. That said, this was rare. Most of the questions are about films like Jaws, Kill Bill, and Mamma Mia! Most movie fans should feel at home with this.

If you know actor and director names, or if you're a fan of famous taglines, songs, characters, and other film trivia, you'll be in movie heaven. For younger players, this may be a little tricky. Finding Nemo and other family films are included, but you really do need a broad knowledge of films from the last 50 years to have a good chance of winning. Of course, in a team setting, most players will be able to contribute at some point.

Movie Scene It? Party Game Review

I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys film quizzes. The system is slick, the questions are varied, and the process is fun. If you don't like movie trivia, I doubt you've made it this far into the review. But obviously, this isn't for you.

The app system is excellent—easy to set up, with great visuals, high production values, and a variety of questions. Even if you see the same clip twice, the question about it will invariably be different.

And one final word about the playing pieces: they are weighty, gorgeous, and generally a delight to hold. Remember those arguments over who got to be the car in Monopoly? Well, prepare for round two!

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