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25 items found for "scythe"

  • Scythe: Encounters Expansion Review

    Scythe: Encounters WBG Score: 8 Player Count: 1-7 You’ll like this if you like: Scythe Published by: Scythe is one of the most popular games ever made. It looks great. Plays great. They work with all other combination of Scythe expansions. That was easy! Is It Fun? As does everything in the Scythe universe. For any fan of Scythe I would say it is a must have.

  • Scythe: Rise Of Fenris Expansion Board Game Review

    Scythe: Rise Of Fenris WBG Score: 9.5 Player Count: 1-5 You’ll like this if you like: Scythe, Pandemic Scythe is a huge game within the board game hobby. Other than this, the first game plays pretty much as any game of Scythe would. The rest of game one works just as a usual game of Scythe. It makes Scythe, a game I love, better in ways you cannot really imagine.

  • My Little Scythe - Review

    Scythe is a top 10 game for me. I got Scythe to the table fairly soon rafter this and it was amazing. Learning it after My Little Scythe felt a lot less intimidating now. So, I owe a lot to My Little Scythe. Having a copy of Scythe felt sufficient to me.

  • Invaders From Afar: Scythe Board Game Expansion Review

    Invaders From Afar WBG Score: 8.5 Player Count: 1-7 You’ll like this if you like: Scythe, Terra Mystica That said, I rate Scythe a 9. Whereas this expansion is an 8.5 for me. Scythe is fantastic. Now, this does come with two conditions. I very much enjoy the variation these two new factions bring to Scythe. Who wants to play Scythe with me? I am looking for six other players...

  • My Little Scythe: Pie in the Sky Expansion Review

    If you have played My Little Scythe and love it, then you may be looking for ways to extend your fun The Wind Gambit is a brilliant expansion for Scythe, bringing ominous air ships to the table. Pie in the Sky does the same for My Little Scythe introducing one giant bright pink Airship into The My Little Scythe is a great game for families. Set up it looks like a proper game. My Little Scythe finds the balance perfectly.

  • Top 3 Games - Zlatko & Ana

    Scythe (1st place) - Because it is one of the most balanced games we have played and also one of the Scythe (1st place) - Because whenever I think of a board game Scythe always comes to mind.

  • Expeditions Board Game Review

    Scythe is one of the biggest games in the board game world. Expeditions is set in the same universe as Scythe. Coins in Expeditions are points, just like Scythe. It looks great, the Scythe artwork helps with that. Not necessarily Scythe, as the game is not like Scythe mechanically; it just shares the same lore and

  • Expeditions: Gears of Corruption Expansion Board Game Review

    Expeditions: Gears of Corruption WBG Score: 8 Player Count: 1-6 You’ll like this if you like: Scythe, Billed as the sequel to Scythe, one of the biggest games in the industry, it received a mixed reaction Some, expecting simply more Scythe, were a little disappointed.

  • Ecolapse Board Game Preview

    It is very much like Scythe in this way. Players tally up their troops on the hex in question, similar to Scythe.

  • Red Rising Preview

    Jamey read the books when they first came out back when he was making Scythe. With the IP rights secured, and Scythe on the shelves, Jamey set to work.

  • Red Rising Board Game Review

    During which time, Jamey was busy with Scythe. With games like Scythe and Euphoria published, which on the surface, look like more complex games. Scythe created this amazing world that so many of us fell in love with. Behind, Scythe, Viticulture, Wingspan, Tapestry, and Euphoria. If you are looking for the next Scythe, you will not find that here.

  • Rolling Realms Roll-and-Write Game Review.

    My Little Scythe Like Euphoria, My Little Scythe shows two sets of dice faces from one to six, this time Scythe This realm shows two rows of die faces from one to six, each with a resource next to it. This hole requires the use of Charterstone, Scythe, and Tapestry.

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